• Hi My name is Brenda Baker, Life Skills teacher here at Cedar Creek Middle School.  I am a graduate of Southwest Texas State University, Go Bobcats!!!This is my 29th year teaching Life Skills and it seems like I just started yesterday.  I grew up in the Cedar Creek community and this is my home in which I take great pride.  Growing up we believed in family and education.  I enjoy participating in church activities and event planning.  I am an avid San Antonio Spurs fan and enjoy watching their games.  Go Spurs Go!!!! 

    I started my teaching career at Bastrop Middle School before moving to CCMS in 2008.  I am very passionate about Life Skills and the students in the Life Skills class.  I believe my students are capable of many things.  They are a joy to work with.


    Class Schedule and Morning Routines

    Eagle Time

    1st Period - Home Living Skills

    2nd Period - Life Skills Language Arts

    3rd Period - Life Skills History

    4th Period - Life Skills Math/Science

    Lunch - 11:45 - 12:45

    5th Period - Conference

    6th Period - Dance/Art

    7th Period - Life Skills Science

    Dismissal Routines

Brenda Baker - Life Skills
  • My conference time is 1:15 - 2:10 pm.  Please call or email if you have any questions.

    Contact me by calling CCMS - 512-772-7425 or by email bbaker@bisdtx.org

Last Modified on September 6, 2021