My name is Carrie Mouser and I am very blessed to be the P.E. Coach at Lost Pines Elementary. I am in my 23rd year of teaching and have taught 5th Grade Reading,Math and Science, 5th and 6th grade P.E. and currently Elementary P.E. I am a proud graduate of Southwest Texas State University with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with a specialization in Health. My husband was born and raised in Bastrop and we have two wonderful children who both have attended BISD.
Conference 7:15-8:05
4th Grade 8:05-8:55
3rd Grade 9:00-9:50
2nd Grade 9:55-10:25
1st Grade 12:20-1:10
Kinder 1:15-2:05
PLC time 2:05-3:00