Early College High School

  • Colorado River Collegiate Academy (CRCA)

    Through the dynamic partnership between Bastrop Independent High School (BISD) and Austin Community College (ACC), you can achieve both your high school diploma and an Associate of General Studies Liberal Arts or Associate of General Studies Science degree simultaneously. With a challenging curriculum, small class sizes, and a supportive cohort-oriented approach, our focus is on your academic excellence. CRCA is named #1 in Bastrop Independent School District High Schools by U.S. News & World Report (2024).

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students at CRCA
  • Get a head start on your college education!

    • Graduate with 60 college hours and 26 high school credits
    • Experience a more rigorous academic work combined with a greater focus.
    • Enjoy less traditional high school extracurricular activities.
    • Learn from expert teachers in smaller class sizes and through academic supports before school and after school.



  • Mission Statement: We provide all of our students with the opportunity and educational foundation to pave the path to university success by earning an associates degree upon graduation from high school.


    Vision: We envision a successful future in academia for all of our students, sustained by the foundation of an excellent high school education.


    Value Statement:

    • We will respect the learning process.
    • We will exhibit professionalism at all times.
    • We will encourage parental and community involvement.
    • We will support the collaborative efforts of Bastrop ISD and Austin Community College.


Application Process

  • Find out how you can join the next cohort of students—at no additional cost. 

    CRCA is limited to 80 students per cohort. There are no testing or knowledge prerequisites. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria:

    • Be a rising BISD freshman (there is no cost to BISD students, covering dual credit classes, supplies, transportation, and fees).
    • Attend Summer Bridge Program in June with site visits, guest speakers, program preparation, and team building.


    Apply Now