• Hello, parents and students--and welcome to another great year at CRCA! 

    I'm excited to be in my eighth year here teaching Social Studies Research Methods (SSRM), US History and Ethnic Studies. I also teach the HIST 1301 and 1302 sections at CRCA's partner campus, Austin Community College, in Elgin. I am the teacher sponsor for the CRCA Drama Club, the CRCA GSA, the CRCA Young Democrats, and our after-school action civics club, Speak Up! Speak Out! (SUSO). In addition, I am a teacher-leader for the We Are America Project and I am the teacher representative for the CRCA PTSA.

    I have a wide range of teaching experience. I started off in the early 1990s teaching Elementary Special Education in Central Texas, then moved to Taiwan where I taught English to K-12 students. More recently I taught history courses at UT Austin and Southwestern University. I have a Masters and a PhD in History from UT Austin and am certified in Generic Special Education K-12 and History 7-12. I also recently completed a two-year tenure as a member of the national teacher leadership board for Generation Citizen (the action civics program that all of our 9th graders participate in during their spring semester). And I am thrilled and honored to have been selected as the 2019 Bastrop ISD Secondary Teacher of the Year and the 2020 Region 13 Secondary Texas Teacher of the Year and to be a recipient of the 2020 Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Award from Humanities Texas.

    I love teaching Social Studies. My goal is to help students to connect personally with the material and also for them to see the world from others’ points of view, while helping them hone the tools they need to learn and understand the subjects. I hope for them to become active, empowered and responsible citizens; to use their awesome voices to create positive change in their communities; to develop critical thinking and writing skills -- and to have fun!

    I'm a sixth-generation Texan and live in a 114-year-old house in East Austin with my husband, our dog and our cat. We have three awesome children-two in college and one a recent college grad.

Close up photo of Deirdre Doughty
  • I hold tutorials Monday and Wednesday from 4:15 to 5:45 pm, Tuesday and Thursday 8:10-8:40am and by appointment.

    My email address is ddoughty@bisdtx.org (best way to reach me) and my classroom phone number is 512-772-7230.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.