Biology: The study of life
Parents and students welcome to Mrs. Lherisson's Biology webpage!
For my 9th grade students, Honors Biology is an academically challenging program, designed to prepare students to be successful in college-level courses. Assessments are rigorous and students are expected to come to class prepared. We work hard while learning about many different topics in biology.
For my senior students, BIOL 1408 is designed to be an introduction to the nature of science, the characteristics of life, the molecular and cellular basis of life, genetics, reproduction, and development. Throughout the semester, emphasis will be placed on how these topics are related to current issues such as genetic engineering, biotechnology, and problems facing modern society.
Biology can be a very fun topic, and I look forward to all that we will learn together!
Grades will be updated regularly in Family Access or Blackboard, so be sure to ask if you have any questions.