Grade Information

  • Students will receive grades in music using the following scale.

    • based on participation and skills.
      • E = Excellent
      • S = Satisfactory
      • N = Needs Improvement
      • U = Unsatisfactory
    • Students earn grades for various written and skill assignments that align to the Music TEKS which they are studying.  For example:  keeping the beat (Kinder), identifying tempo (1st Grade), identifying instruments visually and aurally (2nd Grade), reading and writing music notation (3rd, 4th and 5th grade) 
    • Students earn a grade for matching pitch while singing "Hello" each music day.  This also allows attendance to be taken.  Below is the grade scale.
    100 – matching pitch (sounds the same) in your singing voice with proper posture
    95 – matching pitch (sounds the same) in your singing voice
    90 – In your singing voice but not matching the pitches sung to you
    85 – singing in your talking voice on pitch
    80 – singing in your talking voice, not matching pitches
    75 – talking the response (no melody or rhythm)
    70 – Response, but is incorrect
    65 – no response