Stephanie Luna Griggs

  • Ms. Griggs is the counselor at Bastrop Intermediate School. If you need to contact Ms. Griggs, feel free to do so by email at or call (512) 772-7450.

    Ms. Griggs has spent her whole career in education as a teacher, then as a counselor.  She graduated from Texas A&M University College Station with a degree in Curriculum and Instruction.  A few years later, she received a masters in counseling from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.  In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her two daughters, cooking, reading, traveling, working on puzzles, hanging with her pets, and doing outdoor activities.  One of her favorite things to do is cheer on the fighting Texas A&M Aggies during football season.  She always looks forward to the school year and getting to know the students and being there to support them to their fullest potential while at BIS.  



Counselor's Office

  • Parents—You are the most important and influential people in your child’s life.  As your child is learning and growing into a more independent individual, safety is crucial to their well-being.  Please take a moment to read the following strategies and discuss them with your child.
    Safety Strategies
    • Set boundaries about places they may go, who they may go with, and what they may do.
    • Make sure they understand the importance of “taking a friend” when they go somewhere or play outside.
    • Reinforce the importance of saying “NO”—that it is okay—tell them to trust their instincts.  Teach them ways to get away from a stranger if need be--if someone tries to grab them:  make a scene; yell loudly and let people know that this is not their mom/dad, etc.; and make every effort to get away by kicking, screaming and resisting.
    • Teach your child to tell a trusted adult if anything makes them feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.
    • Have a plan and practice with your child what to do if they get lost—who are safe people to go to for help (uniformed law enforcement or security officers, store salespeople with a nametag, etc.)
    Get Involved
    • Know where your child is at all times.
    • Participate in your child’s activities.
    • There is NO substitute for your attention and supervision.
    • Practice safety skills so that they become a habit.
    • Review your family’s rules and guidelines often.
    For more safety information, check out the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s website: or call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
    Parenting Tips
    From the book Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem by Karin Ireland:
    • Find something positive to say to your child every morning before school. What a great way to start off the day! Psychologists tell us that our attitudes create our experiences, and having a great attitude on the way to school is one way to create great experiences.
    • Show you care and love them — that you are proud of them and their accomplishments.
    • Find ways to say, “I love you” every day.
    • Make time to talk to your child and really listen to what they say.
    • Monitor their school work.  Talk about their progress and help them with problem areas.
    • If it’s a subject that’s not one of your strengths either, find someone who can help them—a relative, another student, a tutor, etc.
    Organize Now for Success Later
    This is one of the most important things kids can learn to help them--not just at school, but throughout their lives.
    • Get a study routine established.  Help them decide when/where to study.
    • Make sure it’s quiet and comfortable and that they have all the supplies they need.
    • Use an assignment notebook or a calendar to keep track of when things are due.
    • Also help your child learn to use checklists.
    • Backpack—make sure you have a set place to keep backpacks and other things your child will need to take to school.
    • This helps to cut down the made rush and search for things when it is time to leave in the morning.
    • TV time (video games)—Limit viewing of TV—studies say children should not watch more than 10 hours of TV a week.
    • Activities—encourage your child to write commitments (such as soccer practice or other events) on a calendar.
    • Use a job chart to organize family chores.
    Bullying/CyberBullying & Internet Safety
    Bastrop ISD is aware that any type of bullying behavior can cause severe and lasting harm to its victims and is a serious issue. The district is committed to doing all that is possible to lessen this problem. Through a designed program that increases staff and student awareness of bullying, how to recognize it and methods to eliminate it, it is the desire of the district to implement plans to diminish all bullying behaviors.
    Click here for more information.
Picture of Ms. Griggs