• Partners in Education


Community Partnership Program

  • The Community Partners Program provides an opportunity for businesses, civic organizations, community action groups, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations to play an active role in the growth and development of our school district. As a Partner, each company or organization can work directly with children and teachers within Bastrop ISD to enrich the experiences of Bastrop students and provide leadership in the formation and growth of our educational programs. Sponsorship may come in the form of sharing knowledge and expertise with students and staff, investment of time, and/or financial contributions. How a business or organization becomes involved with BISD can be based upon the size and nature of the business or organization, the time and resources available to contribute, and the mutual goals of the district and community partner.

    There are numerous benefits to being a Bastrop ISD Community Partner:

    • Positive relationships with the community and BISD
    • Community awareness of their mission
    • Motivated workforce and a potentially larger pool of future employees and customers
    • Recognition in Partners of Education materials and advocacy


    To make contributions, fill out our Donation Form.



  • Bastrop ISD’s Adopt-a-School Program is a year-long, supported approach to developing partnerships between our schools and business and community organizations. We know that all partners can play a pivotal role in accelerating student and school success. From volunteering in our schools to sponsoring donations to support student needs, your organization can truly impact students’ lives!

    Click here to view the Adopt-a-School Program.
    Use this link to sign up: Adopt a School in Bastrop ISD.
    Or call Karen Trevino at 512-772-7174 for more information.


PERKS Partner

  • PERKS is the Bastrop ISD Staff Discount Program that helps us recognize staff within our district while building stronger relationships between local businesses and the school community. For a business partner, joining the BISD PERKS program is fast and simple. Businesses that offer a free, discounted or special service to BISD employees are added to a list of participating partners. In return, BISD provides exposure to your business via our website and staff newsletters. 
    To become one of our BISD PERKS Partners, please complete this questionnaire.