School Boundaries & Maps

  • A student's residence determines his/her home campus attendance zone. To determine which campus your child will attend during the 2024-2025 school year, please view the maps below. 

    Colorado River Collegiate Academy (CRCA) and Genesis High School are not listed on the maps below since they are both available to high school students throughout Bastrop ISD. Admission to CRCA is by application only.

2024-2025 Elementary Boundary Map

2024-2025 Middle & High School Boundary Map

Changes to Attendance Zones

  • Bastrop ISD is a fast-growth district with enrollment throughout its boundaries fluctuating. When determining new attendance zones, administration and the Board take several important issues into account:

    • Enrollment balance
    • Future growth
    • Financial impact
    • Communities and feeder patterns
    • Balance over/under capacity
    • Special Program placement and enrollment


    The boundary change process for Bastrop ISD includes a preliminary report by the administration, a series of public hearings addressing the changes for each affected campus, the recommendation of proposed changes as a discussion item to the Board, and finally, the consideration of proposed changes as an action item at a regular board meeting.