- Bastrop Independent School District
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Curriculum & Instruction
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Welcome to Curriculum & Instruction!
The Department of Curriculum & Instruction oversees teaching and learning in Bastrop ISD. We value continuous improvement, individualized attention, collaboration, and a welcoming, caring environment. At the end of the day, ensuring academic success for all students comes down to no excuses, quality teaching and learning, believing thatall students can learn, purposeful staff development, and all adults in the system being focused on the needs of students.
Within the department are a number of important functions, including:
- Advanced Academics
- Assessment and Accountability
- Bilingual/English as a Second Language
- Career and Technical Education
- Digital Learning
- Fine Arts
- Special Programs and Services (special education)
As the largest department in Bastrop ISD, our primary responsibilities include:
- Developing aligned, rigorous, and relevant curriculum and assessment for all grade levels and courses, for both general education and special education.
- Supporting the campus leadership and staff in the implementation of the written, taught, and assessed curriculum.
- Providing and supporting high-quality, research-based staff development based on identified instructional needs.
- Overseeing the development, coordination, implementation, and evaluation of all federal, state, and local programs/initiatives.
Bastrop ISD provides families and the community with Year at a Glance curriculum documents to provide an overview of the course content. They include the scope and sequence for the course, the unit titles for each unit, the important concepts/skills for each unit, and links to resources for families to reinforce concepts at home.
- Elementary Year-at-a-Glance English Spanish
- Middle School Year-at-a-Glance English Spanish
- High School Year-at-a- Glance English Spanish