Any type of bullying behavior can cause severe and lasting harm to its victims and is a serious issue. Bastrop ISD is committed to doing all that is possible to lessen this problem. Through a program designed to increase staff and student awareness of bullying, how to recognize it and methods to eliminate it, it is the desire of the district to implement plans to diminish all bullying behaviors so that our students feel safe and confident about being at school.
For specific information, please refer to our Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.
How to Report Bullying
"Tip Line" Anonymous Reporting
If a student believes they are a victim of cyberbullying/bullying or if a teacher or other school personnel have knowledge about an incident of cyberbullying/bullying, they should immediately report it to a campus administrator. Students and parents may also use our Tip Line anonymous incident reporting system. Students or parents can submit reports such as bullying, cyberbullying, dating violence, drug or alcohol use, threats against the school, weapons on campus and more. All messages submitted remain completely anonymous. The BISD Tip Line ensures that we have a system for our students and community to report bullying and other student concerns without fear of being identified.