- Bastrop Independent School District
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- Gifted & Talented Education
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Gifted & Talented Education
Our mission is to provide an environment where gifted students can collaboratively and individually develop their critical and creative thinking skills to their maximum potential and begin to use those skills to make valuable contributions to society and to interact effectively within society. Bastrop ISD’s Gifted & Talented Program recognizes goals that are specific, yet flexible for the needs of students and campuses and are an essential part of an effective program designed to meet the needs of gifted and talented learners.
The district commits to:
- Identify as Gifted and Talented six to eight percent of its student population in similar ethnic and economic distribution patterns as the general student population in the areas of:
- General intellectual ability
- Creative thinking
- Provide differentiated instruction to all GT learners K-6, including differing pace (acceleration) and level (depth and complexity), beyond regular curriculum requirements and offerings;
- Provide services to meet the social and emotional needs of GT students;
- Identify professional learning needs and plan professional development for teachers, counselors, and administrators of GT students accordingly;
- Ensure all special populations are considered for the program and offered differentiated curriculum when appropriate;
- Provide and publicize opportunities outside of regular school calendar in which gifted and talented students may participate;
- Inform and seek the involvement of parents and community members in the program for gifted students;
- Evaluate program effectiveness on a regular basis with input from the community
Qualifications for the GT Program
According to Texas Education Code (29.121), "gifted and talented student" means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who:
- exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area;
- possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or
- Excels in a specific academic field.
Bastrop ISD identifies and services gifted students in grades K – 12. Students are identified on the basis of general intellectual ability and specific academic aptitude. Students may be nominated for the gifted and talented program by parents, teachers, counselors, or other interested persons. Students who are nominated are assessed in the spring of each school year using multiple criteria and are identified based on their performance or their potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment in the areas of intellectual ability, and/or academic aptitude.
Services in Bastrop ISD are provided using the Cluster Model at the elementary level. Students are grouped with other GT students in the classroom and receive instruction by a GT trained teacher. Gifted and talented services at the middle and high school levels serve students in core content areas of science, social studies, math, and language arts through differentiation in the classroom including Honors classes, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit and OnRamps classes.
- Identify as Gifted and Talented six to eight percent of its student population in similar ethnic and economic distribution patterns as the general student population in the areas of:
2023 GT Spring Showcase