Bond 2021

  • In May 2021, Bastrop ISD voters approved two bond propositions totaling $183,650,000.

    Proposition A is for $177,829,000 and includes the following projects throughout the district:

    • Two new schools and land - $64,380,440
    • Safety and security upgrades - $9,410,584
    • Growth and instructional capacity projects - $76,065,235
    • General renovations and improvements - $27,972,741

    Proposition B for $5,821,000 includes improvements to Erhard Field and athletic buildings at Bastrop High School.

    The bond package focuses on several key areas including the district's instructional needs, safety and security, and renovations and expansion to accommodate our growing community. Every campus benefits from this bond. Click on the link below to view the bond summary. 

    2021 Bond Summary      



21 Bond