Purchasing & Vendor Information

  • Vendors interested in doing business with Bastrop ISD through RFP/RFQ opportunities are encouraged to register through Public Purchase, which enables vendors to receive bid opportunities.  Vendors who already have a Public Purchase account are encouraged to log in and update their information for Bastrop ISD accordingly.  This free registration portal can be found at the link below.  Registering with Public Purchase will place the vendor on a list to be notified when there are bid opportunities. Registering does not make you an approved vendor with Bastrop ISD nor does it guarantee any level of expenditure by the District.  Bastrop ISD requires all current and prospective vendors to register through PaymentWorks.

    Bastrop ISD has contracted with PaymentWorks as a third-party vendor registration portal. All new and current vendors should register through this system so that we have current information, including contact info, payment details, and current W-9 forms.

    Prospective vendors who are working with a campus or department will be sent a PaymentWorks vendor registration invitation by the BISD Finance Specialist. Please be aware that you will receive an email from "Bastrop Independent School District (via PaymentWorks)" inviting you to register as a vendor for Bastrop ISD with PaymentWorks. Submissions of completed documents are required for consideration to the BISD approved vendor list.

    Registration in PaymentWorks is not an automatic addition to the current approved vendor list nor does it guarantee any level of expenditure by the District.   

    Additional procurement methods, allowed by the state, include inter-local agreements and purchasing cooperatives.  When completing the registration, vendors should consider any contracts they hold with a purchasing cooperative or another school district. Bastrop ISD is a member of the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance (CTPA). Visibility of this information will allow Bastrop ISD to confirm the information, make contact for applicable forms and utilize the vendor.

    Any purchasing-related questions should be directed to purchasing@bisdtx.org.


    Bastrop ISD Registration for Notification of RFP/RFQ Opportunities (Public Purchase)

    Current Open Solicitations

    Bastrop ISD Terms & Conditions

    Bastrop ISD Debarment

    Bastrop ISD Lobbying

    Bastrop ISD EDGAR Certification


    Contact Information
    If you have any questions, please contact the Bastrop ISD Purchasing Department.

    Phone: 512-772-7126
    Email: General Inquiries purchasing@bisdtx.org
    Bids: bids@bisdtx.org