- Bastrop Independent School District
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The following information is provided by the Texas Education Agency regarding certification requirements for teacher applicants.
- Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree - You must earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. (Health Science Technology and Trades & Industrial Education certifications are exempt from the Bachelor's degree requirement)
- Complete an Educator Preparation Program - If you do not hold a degree you must complete a university program. If you hold a degree you may contact an Alternative Certification Program or Post Baccalaureate program.
- Pass Certification Exams - You must pass the appropriate teacher certification exams. Contact your program for exam approval.
- Submit a State Application – You must apply to be certified after all requirements are met. Do not apply until you have verified with your program that you are eligible.
- Complete Fingerprinting – All first-time applicants must be fingerprinted as part of a national criminal background check.
University programs offer a route to educator certification while earning a degree at the same time. These programs also allow a person with a bachelor’s degree or higher to complete the requirements for an educator certificate with university coursework. In some cases, people with a bachelor’s degree can earn an advanced degree in addition to completing the requirements for a certificate.
Alternative Certification Program
Alternative certification programs (ACP’s) offer a nontraditional route to certification that may allow you to teach while completing the requirements. These programs are located in universities, school districts, education service centers, community colleges, and private entities.
List of Approved Educator Preparation Program.
Becoming an Educational Aide in Texas
You must first be employed by a school district before being eligible to apply for an Educational Aide certificate. Contact your employing school district for application instructions.
Educational Aide I requirements
- Must be a high school graduate or hold a General Educational Development (GED) certificate
- Have experience working with students or parents as approved by the employing superintendent
- Experience may be work in church-related schools, day camps, youth groups, private schools, licensed day-care centers, or similar experience.
Educational Aide II requirements
- Must be a high school graduate or hold a General Educational Development (GED) certificate
- Have satisfied one of the following requirements
- Have two creditable years of experience as an Educational Aide I; or
- Have a minimum of 15 semester hours of college credit with some emphasis on child growth and development or related subject areas; or
- Have demonstrated proficiency in a specialized skill area as determined by the local school district; and
- Have experience working with students or parents as approved by the employing superintendent
Education Aide III requirements
- Must be a high school graduate or hold a General Educational Development (GED) certificate; have satisfied one of the following requirements:
- Have three creditable years of experience as either an Educational Aide I or II; or
- Have 30 semester hours of college credit with some emphasis on child growth and development or related subject areas; and
- Have experience working with students or parents as approved by the employing superintendent
Highly Qualified Education Aide
While the recent re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), now known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), removed the stipulation that all teachers meet highly qualified (HQ) requirements, these requirements were left in place for educational aides at Title I campuses in the enacted legislation.
We are now required to update the entry qualifications section on the job descriptions for all instructional aides at Title I campuses to read as follows:
Entry Qualifications:
- Education equivalent to completion of 48 semester hours at an institution of higher education; or
- Completion of an associate’s degree (or higher); or
- Completion of a formal academic assessment. Three months of related experience is required."
Applicants who have met any of these requirements will need to turn in their transcript or a copy of their degree to HR to keep in their personnel file.
Applicants that do not meet the entry qualifications may register for the Paraprofessional Certification Training.
For additional information, contact the HR Employee Services Specialist at 512-772-7156.
For links to any additional information listed, please visit the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website at:
www.tea.state.tx.us under the tab, Educator Certification.
ESL Certification
Required by District:
Each teacher who is hired for or assigned by the District after the 2016–17 school year to teach any subject in prekindergarten–grade 12, shall hold SBEC certification for ESL or bilingual education. Each teacher who is subject to this requirement shall meet the requirement no later than April 1 after the date of hiring or assignment or shall be subject to nonrenewal under provisions of DFBB(LOCAL) or termination under provisions of DFAB(LEGAL).
However, if a teacher’s first day of employment in or assignment to a position subject to this requirement is after January 1 within a school year, he or she shall be required to meet this requirement no later than April 1 of the following school year or shall be subject to nonrenewal under provisions of DFBB(LOCAL) or termination under provisions of DFAB(LEGAL).
2022-2023 ESL Academy Brochure
Bastrop ISD provides district training for the ESL exam. The above link will provide dates for the upcoming school year.
All staff required to test will be given one professional development day to take this test.
Bastrop ISD will reimburse all ESL test fees once you provide proof that you've taken and passed the exam.
Contact for ESL certification questions:
Silvia Whitaker
Educator and School Leader Testing Information
New Testing vendor for Texas Educator Certification Examination Program
Beginning September 1, 2018, Pearson is the testing vendor for the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program, which includes administration of the following tests: TExES, TExMaT, TASC, and TASC-ASL.
The Educator Testing Transition flyer provides more information about the transition.
For phone, email, and chat support, candidates can reach Pearson's Customer Contact Center using the information found in the Contact Us page on the Pearson website.
TEA is redesigning Texas’ principal certification standards and corresponding tests.
- During the transition period of December 1, 2018 through September 1, 2019, intern certifications may be issued for Principal as Instructional Leader without a passed examination. The intern certification allows the same personnel assignment and eligibility to be hired into an administrative role as a standard certification.
- All candidates will need to pass the new TExES Principal (268) and complete the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) to obtain a standard principal certification starting on 9/1/2019.
- Candidates who pass the TExES Principal (268) assessment by 8/31/2019 will be exempt from the PASL and will receive their standard certification with a passing score on the TExES Principal (268) test if they complete all other certification requirements (e.g., course work, practicum) by 8/31/2019 and apply and are recommended for certification by 10/30/2019.
- The TExES Principal (268) test will be offered for free to eligible candidates during the initial testing windows in December 2018 through January 2019. Eligible candidates include only those candidates who have never attempted the TExES Principal (068) test. Scores for the initial testing period will be reported in late June or early July 2019.
- The PASL will become available to candidates in Fall of 2019.
- Given the timing of the changes above, it is recommended that all principal candidates entering programs on 1/1/2018 or later begin preparation for the TExES Principal (268) and PASL assessments.
For more information, visit the Principal Certification Redesign homepage.